Region themed decks for Magi-Nation Duel and further support for store play etc through promos and unlockable booster boxes. The shipping date shown is the very worst case scenario knowing that backerkit only orders tend to sort to the end of the fulfillment lists. Shipping will be charged all at once for backers and store late preorders later after the initial close in July closer to when fulfillment actually starts.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
New Cards and Tournaments! What a way to start the year!
11 days ago
– Sat, Jan 18, 2025 at 02:46:17 PM
Greetings and Happy New Year, Moonland Heroes!
We have had a lot of good activity behind the scenes and we’re ready to share the fruits of our labor.
All new Create-A-Card Promos for this release are ready for playtesting and we are so excited we’re holding two online tournaments! Yes, we'll be having not one but two distinct tournaments to test these new Promos. The first will be a standard tournament featuring Traitor’s Reach and Kickstarter Promo cards, and a second tournament featuring unreleased Daybreak cards! The matches will be played online using the free client app LackeyCCG. Please make sure you have the most recent version installed ( for access to all the cards.
Sign-ups have already begun, and will end Saturday, January 25th at 10 am EST.
You may sign up for one tournament or both. We encourage both!
The proposed ban list is in effect and listed in the rules (LINK)
Tournament Structure:
There will be four rounds of Swiss with a top cut depending on the number of signups for each
15+ will result in a top 8 cut
30+ will result in a top 16 cut
Top cut will be single elimination with an extra game to determine third and fourth places
Each round will last eight days
Full tournament structure can be found here: LINK.
Now onto the new cards! We hope you’re just as excited to see them as we are to share.
First off, we have a group of Create-A-Card Promos each commissioned by the Create-A-Card tier backers:
The next group of promos really comes from our love for the game and community. These will be included in the Promo bundles.
We hope everyone is excited to give these cards a try. The tournament will be a perfect place to playtest so please feel free to sign up regardless of how skilled you might be. Plenty of door prizes will be offered and even a prize for the surprisingly creative decks is available!
Wishing you all the best, 2I and the Duelworks Team
Second box contents reveal
about 1 month ago
– Mon, Dec 16, 2024 at 08:36:04 AM
Hello, Magi-Nation Community!
Announcement for today is some development progress for the second booster set for Traitor’s Reach Reprints list. Gloamlight, the booster box set containing cards from Bograth, the Core, and the Underneath is complete, and you can start looking at what is included now.
As previously released as well, the Wildlands (Naroom / Paradwyn / Weave) booster box from Traitor’s Reach is also complete, and you can see that list on MND Workbench. We’re excited that players will be able to get their hands on some reprints from these six regions in the booster sets now, and the team is excited to find other future ways to reprint cards that didn’t make it into the two set lists. Next up, as backers and sales fund the final two booster box lists, are the other two subnamed sets: Hailstorm (Orothe / Nar / Arderial) and Ashfall (Kybars / Cald / D'resh).
We’d love to hear your excitement, thoughts, and more about these first two booster box lists. We hope there are exciting choices of cards for all of you! We’ll have a few minor fun surprises about these cards in the boosters too, though we can’t announce anything about that just yet.
November Update
3 months ago
– Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 09:22:18 AM
Hello, Backers!
Another great month of progress. The second deck, Cald, is in finalization for printing approval. See some of the cool cards included below:
(Sorry for some reason they didnt upload and kickstarter posted the update anyway so you can see the batch of screenshots above)
We also will be rotating the 41st card slot from deck to deck. As was revealed before, the Naroom deck will get a special double card back card. The additional cards for each region will be:
Arderial: Shockwave
Bograth: Crushing Stench
Cald: Warrior’s Boots
Core: Spirit of the Core
d’Resh: Crushing Sands
Kybar’s Teeth: Crushing Stones
Nar: Crushing Ice
Naroom: Double back faced card
Orothe: Crushing Surf
Paradwyn: Warrior’s Boots
Underneath: Crushing Fungus
Universal: Ummm, No!
Weave: Crushing Growth
As you can see, most of the regions got their crushing spell to add the flavor of Traitor’s Reach even more to the decks. The Cald list already had Crushing Heat and will get a copy of Warrior’s Boots added instead.
Playtesting continues on the new promos, and the pre-tournament is wrapping up with good feedback and no standout problems observed so far. New backer Spells have been added for testing for Nar and Kybar’s Teeth as well. These are of course beta designs and subject to change with testing still:
Only one more backer Spell card is pending art and then the tournament to playtest all released promos for the Kickstarter will be announced. Thank you to all that have participated and given feedback so far.
We are finalizing the Core/Bograth/Underneath box, Gloamlight, contents list and will announce it in the next few weeks after Thanksgiving.
We also have received the 3D ormagon figure print addons, as well as the card sleeves, and are well on our way to collecting all items for fulfillment on the expected timeline.
Speaking of holidays, has been updated with a number of original sealed product items, some of them for the last time as the storage stock has run out, feel free to hop on and get some original run decks or boosters while you wait. Please look at the page for limits in place since we want everyone to have the chance to buy stock if interested and your order may be canceled if it does not comply. We are asking them to run a sale on sealed Limited base set booster boxes for $100 each, through Christmas, for anyone who wants to get some while supplies last.
Remember that these storage item sales all generate funds for the project and get us closer to unlocking the remaining booster boxes faster after project fulfillment.
September Update everything still on track with some inner workings revealed.
4 months ago
– Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 01:05:09 PM
Booster pack sets:
As previously announced with Kickstarter, we’re making four reprint booster boxes with three regions each, plus universal!
We’d like to give you some insight into what goes into picking cards and making the lists work. What makes these sets challenging is that we can only include 150 cards and must split it evenly between Rares, Uncommons, and Commons as well as mixing in promos. We want to also include cards players are excited about, but also avoid things we suspect are very common in the community (like cards that have multiple reprints from original or promotional starter decks or boosters).
As we get closer to releasing the second booster set list, we’ll go over more detailed choices. Ask us what choices you’d like to hear about! We are also naming each of the four booster sets. The Naroom, Paradwyn and Weave set will be called “Traitor’s Reach: Wildlands”!
Templating for release:
Something people ask is why the timeline may be so long to release all the KS cards. What they don’t know is that we’re remaking the templates for Magi-Nation individually.
It’s unfortunate that not all of the original files (even art!) have made it through the years and survived, so it’s an arduous process to create each card template for all 13 regions and make each card individually—adding in art and making sure the text is set!
None of the team is on this full-time either, so we’re making steps forward as quickly as our time allows (when we’re not suffering cyber attacks from the dream plane). We hope to make steady progress, and these updates will hopefully give you all an idea of where we’re at!
Following up on last update, this is what the first deck print placement sheet looks like. People have asked why there is a double backed card. The sheet has to be 50 cards exactly and we were working on a 7 card rules quickstart as stores and players alike had told us that rules cards that allow a player to play their first game without needing a QR code were a must. It turned out we were able to get the rules onto 6 cards and any extra rules that might be addable for the last slot either ended up needing more or less than the available space. As such, there will be a double backed card in the Naroom deck. This will work as a token or bookmark, and allow us to see a foiled cardback as well. The choice was made as we hit up against the deadline for the first deck submission. As each deck has a rolling deadline stretching through February, it is likely that the other decks will have something else in the slot as well, but not the same bookmark.
Also, as a note, all deckboxes will have 3 animite on their tab just as the older deckboxes had. We also will be accepting extra sets of rules quickstarts from backers for up to 6 months after the end of the campaign for 1 animite per nonfoil set and 10 animite per extra foil set. For those new to Magi-Nation Duel, Animite is a crystal currency of the Moonlands. In this case it is a key to the 2I point redemption program which allows collectors to trade in points for various promos or other items. These trades and extra copies from the campaign will allow 2I to build a reserve of available rules sets to be sent to stores or new players in the future to allow any future decks made to free up slots that are not freeable in the current project. The quickstart rules are very important inclusions in this round as it saves the project between $30-$50k in rulebook printing costs which is why it was announced from the start on the page that they were to be included in the boxes.
Finally, after several times advocating for the community with the printers we have been given an opportunity to have a very small number of uncut sheets added to the order. There will be between 10-20 uncut sheets of each design produced. Some will be available for future prizes and auctions to help fund future projects after this campaign closes.
Does the current draft of Possession, perhaps cast by way of Cleansing or Mantle of Shadows, enable a dangerous combo? Are Tony, Returned's cost reduction or ability to loop certain Relics too powerful or are they balanced by his difficulty casting Spells? Is Darkwood Furok too pushed, and if so, is the solution to reduce its starting energy, limit Summoning to once per turn, or something else?
Help us answer these and other questions by participating in Community Playtesting to some credit from the Arcanist's Armory! See the announcement post for details!
Details for those not on Discord:A limited time playtest promotion! Every person that wants to build a deck around 1 or more of the new promos and then play matches. For every documented match that you provide feedback on the promos for, AA can give you a $2.50 gift card up to a total of $25 per playtester. However, each promo can only count as a new promo for testing up to 3 times or $7.50 (of the $25 max) so to get all $25 and be eligible for the total amount you will need to try at least 4 different decks. I will also give a $100+ a promo of the tester’s choice (of those available in the remaining inventory at the time this is claimed) for the first 3 community members to claim $25 gift cards who have 10+ documented matches with feedback.
This will help prepare for the upcoming Final Playtest Tournament for the current batch of promos—both Duelworks and unreleased 2i designs—to be released as part of the Kickstarter redemption.
Top finishers in the tournament will receive cash prizes from Duelworks' design budget, and the champion will have the opportunity to commission a promo Spell design donated by the head of Duelworks!
First deck sent to print
5 months ago
– Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 08:51:11 PM
Hello everyone,
We are on our way to getting these items made for you all. As a reminder, the digital updating of the original files into modern photoshop for printing is a slow but steady and important process. The first deck has officially been sent to the printers, and as the Naroom deck has 3 different regions of cards in it we can show off official previews of 3 cards sent in the batch for you to see the amazing new borders and the promised commemorative MH rarity mark.
We will continue passing a new deck to the printers every 2-3 weeks until all have been transferred which means we are still exactly on time for the projected schedule. Most addons have been paid for and are in production as well and should be finished well before the printed items. In fact, we received word that all extra copies of the weebo dice should likely be here next month.
Thank you for your support. We will continue to show previews of official new generation cards as we go forward.