
Magi Nation Duel Traitor's Reach

Created by 2I LLC

Region themed decks for Magi-Nation Duel and further support for store play etc through promos and unlockable booster boxes. The shipping date shown is the very worst case scenario knowing that backerkit only orders tend to sort to the end of the fulfillment lists. Shipping will be charged all at once for backers and store late preorders later after the initial close in July closer to when fulfillment actually starts.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New unlocked promo reveal, giveaways, and sneak peaks
6 months ago – Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 06:33:16 PM

As with other revealed promos Chelon's abilities will be tested for formatting, but thanks to artist Clurman and our passing the $200,000 stretch goal, Chelon will be added to the promos available in the choose a promo or all promos bundles.

For the promised giveaways we have the Clurman art piece and the standard promo bundle:

Clurman custom commission goes to 478

Bundle of all standard promos with playsets goes to 403


Thank you all for participating in the Jing Jack polls.  With a whopping 67 responses the results are in with Purple with frame break winning at 53%.  Very nice feedback overall!


There have been a lot of questions cycling one way or the other as things have gotten bigger recently and we want to address some things directly:

Are Kickstarter items exclusive?  The items themselves are almost entirely not exclusive, while deck edition cards will have the commemorative Moonlands Hero edition mark, they will continue to be available for sale until the run has run out through retailers, Arcanist's Armory, and other ways and even then may be reprinted without the mark or released in other ways.  Promos will be available for direct sale, tournament prizes, animite redemptions, and more.  The only items slated to be exclusive are the special commemorative League elder cards, which as of yet only one has been claimed with a $10.000 tier.  That does not mean that things will be easy to get after the Kickstarter, foil decks will only be sold together at the Kickstarter so buying them as individual cards or hunting them in decks will be the way forward to get all the foils if you do not buy the decks now, but they will be available.  Random foils coming with decks will be Kickstarter Exclusive so, decks purchased after both the campaign and Backerkit survey closes will not have random foils added to the contents.

We, at 2I, are also quite involved and very excited to help our game return to the world.  Sharik Peck is actually flying out to Seattle this weekend to drive our storage of old inventory and promotional material back to Utah to manage with the remainder of the inventory.  All old stock will be inventoried and made available for sale to allow more access to original cards and accessories as long as supplies last, and all sales will count toward goals for box unlocks etcetera.  People have expressed concerns that things may not be as planned as they would hope.  That is not the case.  The campaign is very well planned and things like the booster distribution have been addressed openly.  We have announced every reason for what got us to the decisions that have been made and the reason that it could not be announced earlier.  Many people want a list of all cards in all unlocked booster boxes.  We will release card lists for the boxes, but it will not be in the next week or two.  We are working very hard to utilize the 150 slots that each box opens for cards in such a way that it can make most people happy while staying balanced and playable.  

With regard to the above, while all cards are backward compatible, we are announcing that following fulfillment, sanctioned tournament play will utilize a format with a cardpool comprised of cards released in the starter decks plus the released and any yet to be released contents of any boxes (if not yet available).  Stores are welcome to host their own legacy nights using full collections, but only cards on the newly printed list will be allowed for official tournaments until another set releases after all of the booster boxes have been made in the current batch.  This will help keep player footing and availability for deck construction balanced and fair without penalizing collectors for having collected before.

If I back for a booster box and the one I want doesn't unlock what happens?

In Backerkit, we have the opportunity to add addons that will only charge if they unlock, so people can choose whichever booster box they want and if any locked booster box reaches $50,000 it will be unlocked independent of overall funds raised for other items.  For every $100,000 total raised for any other items we will also unlock a box.  We are $22,000 away from Matt Holmberg's Geoh magi from unlocking.      Even if your box does not unlock in backerkit, it is very likely it will be unlocked soon after fulfillment as we begin selling any remaining stock.  Therefore, if you want a box that does not quite unlock, you can receive a voucher for a booster box for when it unlocks in the future to get it as soon as produced even if it is not unlocked in the next 3 months.

New Playmat Unlocked

Now you will have the Tony playmat selectable on the full background playmats like the Rayje and Amara when you make your choices in Backerkit.

$24k in 2 days you all get $2 credti! New promo reveal and POLL INSIDE
6 months ago – Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 08:16:49 PM

WOW over $215,000!  With a full 8 days left in the campaign we now enter the last week with the first booster box unlocked!  Every Backer with a current pledge at the time of this update will get $2 added to your survey as a thank you for getting us this far!

Weave/Paradwyn/Naroom boosters can now be selected in Backerkit and have also been added as both stand alone pledge tiers and as addons to add to your pledges!  Now many have asked, with the updated information on what can be in the booster boxes, how do we get the other 3 to unlock?  This is a very reasonable question, and we can do it any of the following 3 ways:

  1. $100,000 in general sales on the Kickstarter ($300,000 would unlock the next booster box option then $400,000 and $500,000 for the last)  While these are lofty goals, we have already passed 10% of the way to the next one.  A zealous fan already guessed all remaining region sets so we will disclose them here : Arderial/Orothe/Nar, d'Resh/Kybar's Teeth/Cald, Bograth/Core/Underneath.  The order they will unlock by this method is not set so feel free to lobby for your favorite bundle in the comments.
  2. $50,000 dedicated to a specific booster box in Backerkit.  Backerkit allows items to be setup as addons that will only be charged if the threshold for the item is met.  $50,000 pledged solely toward any booster box will unlock the ability to make that box and if not raised that addon gets cancelled out and you won't be charged for it.  (With the 644 current backers thats less than $74 per backer to get any box unlockes ;) )
  3. Finally, we are at a point where fulfilling this campaign will allow the unlock of the next box with after fulfilment sales and each box unlocks the next.  This is the slowest of the options, with least perks to backers, but it means that the chances of your regions of choice not being unlocked at least eventually are very low since even the worst case scenario is good!

We have also unlocked the Clurman Orothe Magi which will be revealed in an update mid next week but this promo will be added to the promo bundle or $10 promo choices.

Now as was announced before, we will get a JingJack and there are 2 options.  In the prepoll purple is leading over red 9 to 5 but feel free to comment your favorite of these two JingJack are color schemes:

We are also $35,000 away from Hopmberg’s custom magi, Geoh!

Thanks again for all your support, with the $200,000 passed at the next update we will draw the giveaway art for Clurman when we reveal his custom art magi.

Thanks for all your continued support!

IMPORTANT UPDATE part 2 :) Giveaways, and extended Booster Box discount instructions
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 10:42:55 PM

Hello Everyone,

First off, if you missed the announcement this morning you may need to go read it to understand some of the Part 2 info.  With the unlock of card sleeves we needed 30 and 50 for the respective unlocks of the other designs.  

... so in hours since the announcement we are at ...49... so if you want any of the 3 (Tony, Returned sleeves, Moonlands Maps, or Cardback art) feel free to be the 50th one so anyone can pick which they would like in backerkit :).

We are now 15 playmats away from the next hidden design unlock as well.

We are within $2,000 of unlocking booster boxes, but people have been reporting they do not know how to take advantage of the $120 earlybird price.  To get booster boxes for $120 each out of those unlocked, you 1) hit edit pledge, 2) add additional funds in multiples of $120 for each box you want added in the extra funds box (not as a new chosen addon just the bonus support free entry box), and 3) contact us after the campaign closes when you get your survey and we will help add the booster box of your choice from any unlocked and get you the credit needed to get a box for each $120  you added.  Because this was confusing to a number of people, I will extend the promotional period till end of day 10 PM Mountain Time on the day we hit the $200,000 (Very likely tomorrow at the current pace) to give you a full day instead of just when we hit it to get your discount.  Remember, if we do get to over $200,000 before the last 7 days of the campaign begins (in the next day and 1/2) every backer up to the point we hit $200,000 will receive a $2 credit added to their Backerkit survey as a thank you!


With how well things have gone this week, and where no prizes had to be redrawn, we have decided to double the draws for Volcano Hyrens and Paradwyn Orangarans for 14 winners each.  If we unlock the $200k booster boxes and secret magi tomorrow, we will draw a random backer for a free $200 all playsets promo addon, plus another for one of the Japanese Dan promos.  If we hit $250,000 before the end of the campaign to unlock the second secret promo magi, Geoh, as discovered by our clue hunters, there will be a drawing for a $400 all foil promos bundle winner as well to celebrate!

Volcano Hyren Winners: 69, 158, 640, 542, 324, 146, 498, 422, 512, 286, 264, 332, 140, and 377.

Paradwyn Orangaran Winners: 413, 190, 195, 600, 351, 267, 237, 113, 578, 57, 459, 548, 429, and 453.

Thank you all, we are so excited to be working with you to Re-energize the Moonlands!

IMPORTANT UPDATE booster boxes close and amazing surprise reveal promos! PART 1
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 12:12:05 PM

Under $13,000 to unlock the first booster boxes and teaser info from the manufacturer updated info!

We are now only 6.5% or $13,000 away from the first booster box being able to be produced.  As was promised, we were able to reach out to the printer and get more information.  They support print runs of 150 cards at a time.  Upon feedback and targetted polling, this has led to the following plan that will maximize the utility both for returning and new heroes.  A series of 4 booster boxes will be made available as funds are raised with the first unlocking at the $200,000 mark.  To be able to address concerns that fans old and new have with distribution and probability of hits for the regions that you are searching for, boxes will be populated with sets from 3 regions plus important universal cards.  Traitor's Reach cards will take a number of the slots whille leaving dozens to fill with important rereleased old cards to support the new generation of standard legal play.  

The first box set to be unlocked at $200,000 will be the Naroom, Weave, and Paradwyn box with a few standard legal chase universal cards included in the mix with the rest set for inclusion in future box unlocks with the other regions.  The lists are far from finalized as we have been working on this as previously announced now that we have the booster box runs constraints over the last week and 1/2, but we are prepared to release the following teasers as far as some of the standard legal chase rares that will be in the boxes: Forest Hyren, Hyren's Call, Alpine Xamf, Wasperine, Wasperine Stalker, Flourish, Spell Pulse, Ghazran, Torpar, Weed Hyren, Tropical Jumbor, Blade Hyren and many more!  There is even a chance you will find some cards that were only available as promos in the first edition of printing now as rares in the sets like Rayje's Shield to increase their availability for the format.  We want these boxes to get these important card both new and old sets out to you and the world so we are working with the printer to finalize the pack content, but each pack will contain at least 2 rares, 3 uncommons, and 6-7 commons with a chance at a random foil every few packs.  REMEBER the special promotion for a booster box per $120 added will end once they are unlocked so if you want to lock in your cheaper rate make sure to get it added as soon as possible.  MSRP on a 32 pack box looks like it will be just under $150 with packs coming in at $4.50 each.  So you can get your boxes for $25-30 off retail by adding for them today or tomorrow!  Only 108 more boxes at this discount would be needed (less than 1 box added per 5 current backers) to unlock it without any other items!

With the amazing plan for booster boxes how do we get the rest of the way to unlock the first one?

New PROMOs join the promos available and fill out the ranks of the bundles:

The following changes have been made to the promo lineup: the Balamants and Amulet of Ombor alt arts have been approved to take the place of their old edition cards in the Naroom and Underneath decks respectively so all backers getting those decks will get the announced alt art versions as a free upgrade.  In the above picture you will see that Mobis's promo art will be used for the unreleased alt-Mobis magi stats instead of the base set version.  You can see the braggle mockup in its cald frame as well.  This change was made to clear a path to add much more value to your promo bundles by freeing up print slots and we are adding the above promos to the available lists.  This will add Cactus Hyren, Canopy Hyren, Granite Hyren, an alt-art Omni Construct by Clurman/Goodman (the original art by Clurman/Werner will be the version in the Universal deck), a fan favorite from the Game Boy Color game JingJack is in finalization and this jackinthebox themed core creature, Sludge Hyren, and O'qua alt-tracker will all be added to the promos available immediately all without increasing the bundle addon prices!  

Animite Card Promos

There will also be animite cards created for league support on the print sheet and all backers with a promo bundle will get a random value animite card for their order.  All playset bundles (both standard and foil) with get the full set of all 3 animite cards in either standard or foil to match their bundles.  Outside of the bundles these animite cards will only be available for achievement and league participation and will be included in store random promo bundles to support tournament play.

Secret Stretch goal promo unlocks

To celebrate, we also have a chance to add 2 more mystery magi that will be entirely new magi at the following unlock tiers: $200,000 alongside Clurman's giveaway drawing donation there will also be a promo using his art made available.  It will be a previously unseen new magi to celebrate making it to $200,000 and unlocking the first booster box.

At 1/4 million ($250,000), Matt Holmberg, who is amazingly excited with how this project that means so much to him is donating the use of a custom magi he made for his favorite region:

There is a teaser for this card somewhere on official channel social accounts.  The first backer to find and comment this leak will be our next super secret quest log winner for a bonus prize.  Happy hunting.

So what is the current list of available promos and how many cards come if I get the standard or foil playset option?

Warrada alt art (Clurman/Goodman), rod of coals alt art (Holmberg), Mobis Alt unreleased promo (Holmberg), Vulbor (Holmberg/Tibke), Ora alt art (Holmberg), Braggle alt art (Holmberg), Relic Stalker (Holmberg), Showdown (Werner), Anastasia (Clurman/Goodman), Artimillies (Clurman/Goodman), Tony Returned (Holmberg), League Elder (Werner/Gillette), Traitor's Reach (Holmberg), Cactus Hyren (Holmberg), Sludge Hyren (Holmberg), Canopy Hyren (Holmberg), Granite Hyren (Holmberg), Omni Construct (Clurman/Goodman), Jingjack (Werner/Tate), O'qua Tracker (Holmberg).   Even if we didn't get the above two secret unlock magi this puts us at 20 promos available plus one of each create a card tier promo cards created (the jingjack finalization is being paid for with one of the current 4 backers of the create a creature tier).  So it will be over 25 promos with potential for even more to continue to unlock or be sponsored!  That is 50+ promos with the playset addons less than $10 each for exclusive foil promos.  This is a great time to edit your pledge to add the promos bundle in standard or foil or to upgrade from the prepledge trio of just Artimillies, Anastasia, and Showdown to the full set of all at a nice discount all while pushing us ever closer to $200,000 for both unlocks!  Just 33-87 backers adding the promo bundles would push us over that line with no new pledges required.  

Make the $300 tier special again?

Backers have been finding that as decklists have been finalizing for the regions that more and more new cards are being included as 2-3 copy sets which has pushed it to where the $300 tier would only currently get 2 copies of every deck since even any one ofs left are in two different decks still guaranteeing playsets.  Since we appreciate our $300 tier backers and to get even more editions of cards available, we have chosen to split the core decklist content Twilight Mowats into one copy of the D'resh border and one Core border.  Therefore, collectors wanting either border will be able to get them both in a deck, and our $300 backers will each get a 3rd core deck with your pledge to get 3 of each of the new card variant for the Twilight Mowat!

Social Goals:

We have unlocked custom magi card sleeves with 20 mention videos on Youtube and other video platforms!  Custom card sleeves are now available as a $5 addon for a pack of 5 sleeves (enough for a magi stack and a few extras).  If at least 30 addons are added we will unlock the moonlands map as a second design, and if it hits 50+ sets sold we will also add an option for a card sleeve designed to use the card back art.  

We are now only 12 more playmats left to unlock the next playmat design too! 


Sorry for the tease, but you will have to wait for update Part 2 later today.  This update is long enough and has so much amazing stuff we didn't want our winners to get burried.  However, we do want to celebrate because all backers drawn last update still have active pledges!  If we can work together to invite friends, pledge if you have not yet, or add any of the above addons and get to $200,000 before the final 7 days start in 2 days, then every single backer who has gotten their pledge in by the that day will get a $2 bonus credit in backerkit to use toward an addon of your choice or your shipping charge to celebrate.  If we don't hit the goal in the next 2 days, all other unlocks will still happen but the special $2 credit for hitting it a week before the end of the campaign will not be unlocked.

Deck Boxes reveal, more giveaways, and more :)
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 03:12:48 PM

Status update

We are now within $35k to booster boxes!  That is 125 new pledges at our current average pledge amount or for half the current backers to add an extra $120 to get the earlybird shot that will increase to full MSRP after they unlock, and with over 2 weeks left to go!

Region Box Reveal

Due to your amazing support, the team has worked together to prepare all of the deck boxes with all the regions unlocked.  Highlighting actual creature cards from within themselves, these tuckboxes will look amazing in game collection, on store shelves, and anywhere in between!

Update giveaways

We have 7 more days of giveaways for everyone today, remember the earlier you pledge, if you are still just following, the more drawings you get entered into. For this week we will draw one Volcano Hyren and on Paradwyn Orangaran.  Also, the winner of the $100 Arcanist's Armory Giveaway had cancelled their pledge so it will be redrawn as well.

Volcano Hyren winners: 615, 236, 278, 629, 325, 580, and 123

Orangaran PW winners: 359, 86, 499, 131, 199, 137, and 623

Redrawn $100 giftcard: 381

Region Reveal Paradwyn

Magi:   Iain, Commando     Sqwik            Mijji

Contents: 3 Jungle Riddle, 3 Drum Solo, 3 Vine Bhatar, 3 Tripvine, 3 Jungle Eebit. 3 Lurking Minani, 3 Scarletsong Lahalou, 3 Scarletsong Banner, 3 Scarletsong Lilt, 3 Scarletsong Hwit, 1 Ambush, 1 Inyx, 1 Rala, 1 Ghazran, 2 Tropical Hyren, 1 Overgrowth, 1 Hyren's Call, 1 Crushing Vines, 1 Bagala Fangs

Reminder that the old TR mockups linked above do not show the Commemorative rarity mark which will be on the cards in these decks.

Status on Social and Addon Goals:

Current videos on Youtube linking to the campaign 13/20 Magi-Nation videos without the link but within the last month 20 we are choosing to count half the videos uploaded that don't quite meet all the requirements so that puts us only 3 videos away from unlocking an addon for a pack of 5 custom card sleeves for your magi stacks!

Shares 1,000 goal has been surpassed!  The Holmberg Original Braggle art teased before will be used and added to all the promo bundle packs ;) 

Playmats sold 81/100 to unlock the next playmat option!