
Magi Nation Duel Traitor's Reach

Created by 2I LLC

Region themed decks for Magi-Nation Duel and further support for store play etc through promos and unlockable booster boxes. The shipping date shown is the very worst case scenario knowing that backerkit only orders tend to sort to the end of the fulfillment lists. Shipping will be charged all at once for backers and store late preorders later after the initial close in July closer to when fulfillment actually starts.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

UPDATE ON SURVEY COMPLETION and under 1/3rd to go to unlock the next booster box!
5 months ago – Wed, May 08, 2024 at 11:21:26 AM

Dear Backers,

We are at 677/903 surveys submitted so far (You can still go back and make changes just make sure to hit submit each time that you finish).  If you have not yet found your survey link or have lost it you can recover it at :

If the newly added to survey amounts as well as the auctions so far all collect, we are over $33,333 toward the $50,000 needed to unlock the second booster box!  That is under $17,000 away and we still have the remaining surveys and upcoming auctions to go for more storage unit items.  Reminder to everyone that the first auction for sealed Booster Boxes and Starter Decks from every old set will end this Saturday: Arcanist's Armory Storage Unit Auction #1 - Google Sheets

Bograth/Core/Underneath is in the lead for unlocking first if we hit the $50,000 unlock tier.  If 1/3 of backers add even one booster box for this set we will unlock it immediately :) Awesome to be so close!


We are now also $67,000 away from unlocking the black core upgrade to all cards via stretch goal.  Due to at least a few backers requesting it, an addon in Backerkit has been added to allow you to pledge directly toward the unlock of black core in amounts of $20, $50, or $100.  This addon is not tied to any specific item and will only be charged if either it as its own addon passes $20,000 or if it amount pledged to the addon helps raise campaign funds over $350,000 to unlock it as a stretch goal.  You can go back and edit your survey to add this if you want to chip in on this card quality upgrade unlocking for everyone.  It is not needed for play and cards are already on high quality paper, but to take even one step further if we can unlock this everything will be that much more awesome!

Amulet of Ombor clarification

It has been brought to our attention that our announcement removing the Amulet of Ombor Alt art from the promos list when we released the newer non alt art promos led to some confusion.  The art is, as we announced, being used for the Underneath deck instead of being used as a promo.  A very small number of people have come forward to say that they expected it to trigger a third Underneath deck in the Will of Orothe tier.  Our stance on this demand is that Amulet of Ombor, whichever art was used, is not a promo as it will not be available as one, and it is definitely not a new card having been around since both base set  runs.  That said, if you fall into the category of backers that got both the Will of Orothe tier for playsets of all Traitor's Reach Cards, and also have gotten a pledge addon for playsets of all promos, we have decided to offer an opportunity to allow backers that meet both of those requirements that want to guarantee a third Amulet of Ombor the ability to add either one foil Alt art Amulet of Ombor or on Underneath deck for $7.50 to your order.  Please email our team at [email protected] if you wish to redeem either of these options.  

We got in the 12" square metal samples and we will post those pictures after we get our photographer pics back before the next update.  They are very shiny and both the Tony Returned and the Moonlands Map turned out wonderfully.  

Have a great day!  P.s. we have 8 late pledge backers so if or a friend you missed the window to pledge before, the backerkit store link is available with the button at the top of the page above.

Surveys sent and progress so far
5 months ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 06:31:53 PM

Hello Everyone,

Smoke test surveys went out yesterday evening and we have had enough responses that the surveys were able to send today so you should now have your survey.  

What is a survey and what does this mean?

For people new to Kickstarter or at leat larger campaigns, Backerkit is what is called a pledge manager.  It will let you add items, change your pledge tier, and even pay for things you didn't select initially in the Kickstarter.  Cards will not be charged for what you select until 7/15 if you add anything new.  Shipping is still not charged at this time and will be collected sometime next year when we are ready to begin fulfilment.

Are there any things to add in Backerkit that weren't on the Kickstarter?

Yes, there are a limited number of original shirts and hats both for $25, Orothe and Cald League posters, and base set limited and unlimited booster packs at their original MSRP of $3 from the storage unit.  There are also Stretch Goals that are listed as unlockable.  If you pledge for an unlockable booster box it will count toward the $50,000 needed to unlock the box.  All addons in the survey that will result in a charged card count toward the campaigns stretch goals as well.  That means we are less than $50,000 away in sales of any items to get the second box unlocked.  Whichever box has most pledged for it will unlock first if we unlock via stretch goals.

So where are we on unlocks?

General Stretch Goal amount raised so far including funds for the highest chosen box (currently Core/Bograth/Underneath at 3): 4941, current amount raised from the storage auction if all bids pay and it ended now 3302.5, Storage sales 938 total $9182/50,000 for first box unlock.

With only 17% of surveys completed we are well on our way to unlocking the next box already.  If we get to $350,000 total raised (just about 90,000 to go) all cards will be upgraded with black core as well.

Where was that storage auction again?

How do I add my giftcards from Arcanist's Armory?

Messsage us or Sharik Peck (Artimillies on discord) and request an invoice in the amount you want added.  Pay that with giftcards and your credit will be added to your survey.  Also ask to get your prepledge promos added if you qualified for that before the kickstarter.

If I qualified for the $120 Earlybird booster box by adding the $120 before they unlocked what do i do?

Add the booster box of your choice to your survey and contact us or Sharik with your name or kickstarter email to add the extra $20 credit to make your $120=the $140 backekrit price.

It has also come up that some people still dont quite grasp the booster boxes concept so here is a quick FAQ:

What are the booster boxes and why do we want them?

Booster boxes will contain cards from their 3 regions. which will include the Traitors Reach cards as well as 30-35 reprint cards per region in the well as a portion of the universal card list.  Why is TR still in? Because it lets collectors collect a set of ones with the MH commemorative rarity as well as standard versions from the boosters.  It will also allow for some foil hunting after the campaign since there will be some foils in the boxes and the sale of guarenteed foil decks as decks expires as soon as the pledge manager closes in July after that they will only be sold as singles.  Also some players and collectors want up to double playsets and this allows to fill out collections without decks being the only choice for doing so.  Traitors reach is only about 1/3 of the box contents and will form the base of the new standard tournament legal play set so keeping access open is desirable.  So why is it not only Traitors Reach?  Peaople want reprints, plus with the ability to guarentee an initial playset of TR this helps expand the pool of cards that are generally available, reprint errataed cards with proper text, and generally make the playfield more fun and interactive.  With 30-35 reprints per region plus the TR cards and cards rereleased in the starters it lines up to 55-60 cards per region that are legal off the bat and the ability to regrow that pool as we head forward with new sets and projects.  

In the time it has taken to write this update we are already up to 20% of the way to the next box unlock.  You are all awesome!  Let us know if you still have questions.   

1st Storage Auction, Backerkit Survey update, and BIG NEWS
5 months ago – Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 07:44:22 PM

Hello Everyone,

First up, sorry for the delay in more info.  The Survey is built and with backerkit for review, but it has passed their standard review time.  I reached out to the project concierge that we were provided for the project passing $100k and they found that somehow the request was archived without being actually completed so hopefully we hear back in the next day or two on anything left to fix and can send smoke tests soon there after.

EXCITING NEWS Matt Holmberg has officially signed a contract with 2I LLC, the Arcanist’s Armory, and Duelworks LLC to work as the project Art Director for fulfilment on this project and to manage art production and quality into future projects!  We welcome the artists that many consider the premier Magi-Nation artist officially into leadership over future art development.  He has been supportive all along as a commissioned artist but it is very exciting to have him returning even more!

We got the storage safely moved from Seattle to Utah.

Its taking hundreds of hours to log everything, but we are ready to run the first test auction.  Three booster boxes of every released set as well as 3 sealed starter deck displays (10 decks) for every set are now up for auction until 5 pm MNT on May 11.  Bid instructions are at the top of the page but please let us know if there are any problems.  Google docs has been known to take up to 4 hrs for some peoples info to update so make sure to bid early since bids that come in late might not be recorded by the cutoff so if its your style snipe at your own risk.  Minimum bids have been set at around 2/3 of most recent sales prices and all sales will be used toward project expenses including 50% will be applied directly toward more booster boxes unlocking.  All bids must be at least $1 more than the bid under them to get recorded.

After funds settled with dropped pledges we are only $50k away from the next unlock.  Each box will be an unlockable addon in backerkit (only charged if the $50k needed is raised  for that box or by stretchgoal in which case the most funded not yet unlocked box will unlock.  More instructions and information on that will come with the Backerkit instructions.

Kickstarter Funded, Storage transferred, Geoh unlocked, giveaways, and Failed Payments/Next Steps
6 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 07:09:12 AM

Hello Heroes.


We did it together!  $266k with only $33,635 errored paymets across less than 10% of backers is actually very good for Kickstarter standards and 20 backers have fixed their payments already taking the uncollected balance down to $28,482.  Now, just being good does not mean we don't need as much of that to collect as possible, how much exactly collects will determine how close to the second Booster Box we are when we enter the Backerkit survey phase.

Backerkit explanation

For those of you new to Kickstarter, or who just have not had the joys of a project large enough to use a pledge manager, Backerkit is a seperate website that we build a survey through to let you choose your decks and addons etc.  You can choose to just fill out the survey, or to add new items.  If any new item or pledge upgrades are added then they will be charged in early to mid July when the surveys are locked.  Don't worry that you have not gotten your survey yet we are still building them and cannot send them within the first 2 weeks after the campaign since they need Kickstarter to have sent the collected funds to be able to import user data.  We will put out an announcement when we have the surveys ready to send in the next 2-3 weeks when what is called a Smoke Test is sent to the first 5% of pledges to make sure everything is working before they go out to everyone.  This will also allow us to continue collecting toward booster box unlocks as well as putting a specific addon for each that will only charge if the specific box gets enough to get made.


We were able to move the storage locker unit to the team at Arcanist's Armory in Utah.  There were several amazing finds items under 15 in count will likely be auctioned or sold via private messages to help fund the unlock of new boxes etc for the Kickstarter, but some large quantity items, by comparison, will be added as selectable addons in the Backerkit survey limited to the quantity on hand.  Examples will include hats for $25, white official MND Tshirts for $25, Booster Packs of Limited and Unlimited run (Cald/Orothe/Arderial/Underneath/Naroom came in this set) for their original MSRP of $3 a pack.  Items like this will likely have a limit to the number any one backer can buy so as to keep them available for as many people as would like to get their hands on some original stock as possible.  Watch for more announcements on this, and even if Discord is not your thing, we highly recommend joining the server (link at the bottom of the campaign page).  The community is incredibly wholesome and it decreases your chances of missing out on important updates which will get posted here too but Kickstarter eats notifications a little easier than Discord does.

Below you can see 2I managing member Don Morris getting us into the unit as well as the packed items as secured for their 16 hour drive.

Geoh Unlocked

Failed payments are a known Kickstarter problem, and as such were planned for and since we passed $250k we will be making Holmberg’s Geoh magi and adding it as the last $10 promo or bundle pack inclusion.  Bringing the playset bundle of promos count into the high 60s or even 70 if all of the create a card tiers come through!  Matt Holmberg came out to help with the storage and sends his love to all of you and the work:

Ryan Shreeve also came out to help but was more camera shy (and also the phone died mid catalog).

Here is your peek at the new Geoh magi with effects and powers to be created/balanced before printing.


Clurman Art piece (For passing $250k): 359

Full Playset Foils Promo Pack (For passing $250k while the campaign was live): 13

Japanese Dan promo card: 126

FInal 7 Orangaran (PW): 949, 44, 419, 39, 198, 667, and 110

Final 7 Volcano Hyren: 853, 600, 254, 574, 461, 12, and 690

Congrats to all winners this last batch and the ones from the last announcement will be contacted before the Backerkit survey emails go out.  We verified that at least the art and playset winners have current pledges.  With 986 total backer numbers and 903 active pledges after removing the 39 pledges from the one cancelled backer early on, that means that we had under 5% of actual backer pledges drop.  That is an amazing percentage, and shows how awesome and dedicated you all are.  The Moonlands thank you!

3 New Decklist reveals
6 months ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 10:49:27 AM

Hello All,

We are entering the last 2 days and have only $16,000 to go for Holmber's Custom Underneath Magi Geoh being added to the promo bundles!  Where we and the Armory reps will be very busy loading the storage unit for travel to Utah, we are going ahead and revealing the next 3 decklists now.  We will watch and attempt to update as available, but it will be a bit more time between those updates as we are busy making sure that we can get as much cool stuff out to you as possible.


Magi: Nymat     Salara      Korremar, Avatar

Cards: Rabid Bisiwog, Trygar's Will, Mirage*3, Cactus Dryte, Avatar's Staff, Spined Hyren, Sandstorm Orshaa, Craw*3, Circling Darbok*3, Olum Fiend*3, Sand Sark*3, Aubra's Timepiece*3, Dreamcatcher*3, Sandtrap*3, Aubra's Wisdom*3, Aubra's Canteen, Drahkar*2, Shimmering Orshaa, Swirling Orshaa, Sikra, Olum Mystic


Magi: Hajnyn        Locke      Aurorea

Cards:  Polar Eebit*3, Rask Deserter*2, Polar Rudwot*3, Ice Vinoc*3, Chill Cane*3, Kintor Furs*2, Icecap*3, Icepack*2, Flashfreeze*3, Essence of Frost, Rayje's Construct, Frost Hyren, Hunter Furok, Zyavu*3, Kyroll, Krenkrajak*2, Djarmander, Yaromant, Icefang Battlesled, Mombak, Tundra Hyren*2 


Magi:  Ulmi       Gulg       Ulk, Prodigy

Cards:  Kiesel's hammer*3, Rumble Stones*3, Crystal Shield*3, Venomous Korrit*3, Crystal Twinklet*3, Crystal Saris*3, Crystal Hyren*3, Pillar Hyren*3, Strag's Claws, Crystal Jile, Crystal Arboll, Pack Korrit*3, Spore Vashp, Amulet of Ombor (alt art), Entrench*3, Crystal Goblet*3, Korrit*2


We have been testing out the a revived Animite redemption program for a few test promos.  We received a set of Animite cards in yesterday and want to let you join in our celebrating its success we will giveaway half with 1 50 animite card, 7 25 animite cards, and 20 10 animite cards.  We also have 3 more Volcano Hyrens and 3 PW Orangarans.

50 Animite card: 776

25 animite card: 460, 50, 331, 100, 135, 293, and 247

10 animite card: 341, 558, 676, 707, 808, 762, 599, 295, 299, 725, 488, 197, 561, 435, 23, 501, 40, 764, 152, and 376

Volcano Hyren: 220, 736, and 115

PW Orangaran: 282, 308, and 336